Sunday, 3 August 2014

Here We Go!

Vicky and I just can’t decide how to get our blog rolling. At first we thought that it’s hard to go wrong with humor, so we’d tell the funny story about the time I was detained by security at a Las Vegas casino.

If they say no videotaping, they mean NO videotaping!
But that might make our readers think that the blog would only be about funny anecdotes. Next we thought we could start off with a travel tip, like how you can rescue a day at the beach by fixing a blown-out flip-flop with one of those little plastic tabs that keep a bread bag closed.

We'll tell you how to do this later...
But we didn’t want people to think that our blog was just about travel tips. Then we figured that since everybody loves to eat, we’d tell you about an amazing hole-in-the-wall we found in Montana where people line up out the door for a chance to eat the best barbecue pork I’ve ever had.

BBQ and Beer
But we want this to be more than just a bunch of restaurant reviews. Photography…that’s it! We’ll start with a tip on how to get the most from your camera when you want to capture those amazing fireworks on the Fourth of July.

4th of July from a mountaintop
No…people might think it’s just a blog for camera buffs. Maybe we should start with something about technology. Plenty of readers would love to hear about solving that annoying problem with weak Wi-Fi signals in hotel rooms.

Travel Booster - Wi-Fi's best friend
Wait, I’ve got it…we’ll start with a packing tip. We’ve rescued many a travel day by having some little item like a single use tube of super-glue that can solve a big problem in no time.

It's a super problem solver
No, that’s too specific. How about a photo trip report? Our Alaska pictures would set the tone nicely…

Johns Hopkins Glacier - Glacier Bay, Alaska
…or maybe the Fiji shots would be better.

Matangi Island Sunset, Fiji
We just can’t decide. Maybe we’ll go out for a cold glass of local craft beer and think about it. Now there’s a good first post…we’ll review the micro-brews we tried on our last trip.

Sweet, life-giving, beer
Now we’re getting somewhere. Hey, wait just a minute here. It looks like we’ve already written our first post!

We hope you’ll come along with us for what we promise will be an interesting, funny, and informative look at traveling, eating, and everything that goes with it. We’ll fill you in on the details of the things we’ve only touched on here, and who knows what else? It’s a big world, so we’d better get started…we’ve got plenty to share.

Fox & Vicky

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